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10 Wonderful All-Natural Car Tips

No matter how hard you try to keep your car clean, it is bound to get dirty eventually. Whether its crumbs, stains, or a ton of dust – a dirty car is inevitable. There are thousands of car cleaning products on the market, but the problem with these is that they’re filled with nasty chemicals. Therefore, if you’re looking to give your car a good clean – and naturally – this is the list that you have been looking for. And the best thing is that you’ll already have most of this stuff lying around your house.​
10 Great All-Natural Car Cleaning Hacks

1. Natural Carpet Cleaner

Say goodbye to those dark, muddy stains on your car upholstery and mats with this fantastic natural solution. Simply mix some white vinegar and baking soda together to form a paste. Using an old toothbrush, gently work the paste into the stained area, ensuring you cover the entire spot. Let it sit and dry completely. Once dry, vacuum up the dried paste. This simple yet effective method lifts the stains and leaves your car’s interior looking fresh and clean without the use of harsh chemicals.

2. Use a Cheap Foam Brush or Paint Brush to Dust

Dusting your car's interior can be a tedious task, especially when it comes to reaching those tricky spots like vents and knobs. A cheap foam brush or a small bristle paintbrush can be your best friend for this job. These brushes can get into tight spaces and remove dust effectively. For a thorough clean, follow up with a vacuum as you wipe down the surfaces. This method not only removes dust but also prevents it from resettling elsewhere in your car.

3. Spray Bottle of Water and a Squeegee to Remove Pet Hair

Removing pet hair from car seats can be a daunting task. However, a simple spray bottle of water and a squeegee can make this job much easier. Lightly mist your seats with water from the spray bottle. Then, use a squeegee as you would in the shower to drag across the seats. You will be amazed at how effectively this method brings all the pet hair to the surface, allowing you to easily collect and dispose of it.

4. Use Olive Oil to Condition and Polish the Leather on Your Dashboard
10 Great All-Natural Car Cleaning Hacks

Keeping the leather on your dashboard shiny and new doesn’t require toxic sprays and wipes. A natural alternative is to use olive oil. Dip a clean cloth into some olive oil and gently rub it onto the leather surfaces of your dashboard. This not only conditions the leather but also gives it a polished look. Plus, it’s a safe, non-toxic method that’s kind to both you and your car’s interior.

5. All Natural Car Freshener

Ditch those chemical-laden car fresheners and opt for an all-natural alternative. Create your own car freshener using baking soda and essential oils. Mix some baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oils and place the mixture in a mason jar. Punch a few holes in the jar lid and place it in your cup holder. The baking soda absorbs odors while the essential oils release a pleasant fragrance, keeping your car smelling fresh and inviting


6. Streakless Windshield Wipers

Achieving a streak-free windshield is simpler than you might think. Regular household rubbing alcohol can do wonders for your wipers. Dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe down your windshield wipers. This prevents any smearing and smudging, ensuring your windshield remains clear and streak-free, improving your visibility while driving.

7. Vinegar and Newspaper for Streak Free Windows

For sparkling clean car windows, turn to an old but effective method: vinegar and newspaper. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it generously on your car windows. Let it sit for a few minutes to break down any grime. Then, using newspaper, wipe the windows clean. While it might sound unusual, newspaper doesn’t leave behind lint or streaks, giving you crystal-clear windows.

8. Shiny Chrome Wheels 
10 Great All-Natural Car Cleaning Hacks

Give your chrome wheels a brilliant shine with a simple homemade solution. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture generously over your chrome wheels. Then, wipe it off with a clean rag. This method cuts through dirt and grime, leaving your wheels looking polished and new.

9. All Natural Wheel Cleaner

To clean your wheels naturally, mix some baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply this paste all over your wheels using a brush, making sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. Once you’ve scrubbed the wheels thoroughly, rinse off the paste with water. This natural method removes dirt and brake dust, leaving your wheels looking like they’ve just rolled out of the shop.
10. Good Old Organic Car Wash

There’s no need to pay for a car wash that uses harsh chemicals. You can wash your car using all-natural ingredients at home. Liquid castile soap, made from plant oils, is an excellent choice for a natural car wash. Mix it with water to create a sudsy solution. Lather up your car, scrub it down, rinse, and you’re ready to hit the road with a sparkling clean vehicle. This method is not only effective but also gentle on the environment.
Source: diyeverywhere
Images: Pixabay

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